Hyderabad: The makers of Vedaa, starring John Abraham and Sharvari, provided fans with an update on the film's pending review certificate from the Censor board. They confirmed that the film is still awaiting approval from the Censor Board of picture Certification (CBFC). Nikkhil Advani, the film's director, took to Instagram on Thursday to share the news and urged authorities to fix this "unusual delay".
"We, the producers of Vedaa feel compelled to share with our fans and supporters that despite our best efforts, we are still to secure a clearance and certification from the CBFC of India," read the Instagram post. Sharing specifics about the process, the makers claimed, "We followed protocols and applied for a certificate well before the eight-week release deadline. Our film was screened for the CBFC on June 25th. Following this, we were moved to a revising committee review with no explanation as to what the examining committee's issues or objections were. Since then, we've been waiting patiently for a revision committee. Despite this unusual delay, we have full faith in the system in place and are confident that the CBFC will oblige us rightfully."
Makers requested that the relevant authorities investigate and rectify the issue as soon as possible. "August 15th is a special date that we are fortunate to find ourselves in a position to bring our film to fans of John Abraham and Nikkhil Advani, who have supported our previous releases Satyamev Jayate and Batla House on the same date," they added. The makers ended on the note saying, "Vedaa is a powerful, out and out entertaining film, inspired by current events. We believe it deserves to reach its audience. It is our sincere endeavour that we will be able to keep our appointment with you."
Vedaa, directed by Nikkhil Advani and written by Aseem Arrora, is produced by Zed Studios, Umesh Kr Bansal, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and John Abraham, with Minnakshi Das co-producing it. Vedaa recounts the journey of a young woman (Sharvari Wagh) who confronts and defies an oppressive system.
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