Hyderabad: Simran Singh, a renowned radio jockey and Instagram influencer was reportedly found dead in her apartment in Gurugram's Sector 47 on Wednesday. The 25-year-old, widely known as "RJ Simran" and affectionately called "Jammu Ki Dhadkan" (Heartbeat of Jammu) by her fans, had a substantial following of over 682,000 on Instagram.
Police suspect it to be a case of suicide; however, her family has denied this, alleging foul play. The initial investigation revealed no suicide note at the scene. Simran was rushed to Park Hospital, where she was declared dead on arrival. Her body was later sent for postmortem at the District Hospital and subsequently handed over to her family.
Simran's last Instagram post was a reel shared on December 13, captioned, "Just a girl with endless giggles and her gown, taking over the beach." The post, like much of her content, showcased her vibrant personality, which endeared her to thousands of fans. Following news of her death, the reel has been inundated with comments from shocked and grieving followers.
Simran was originally from Jammu and had built a significant fan base through her work as a radio jockey and her engaging social media presence. Police are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death, and further details are awaited.