Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrated her niece Inaaya Naumi Kemmu's birthday with heartwarming pictures that are melting hearts on Instagram this Sunday. Inaaya, the daughter of Kareena's brother-in-law Kunal Kemmu and his wife Soha Ali Khan was seen enjoying a special day with her cousins, Taimur and Jeh, Kareena's sons. The adorable photos captured the sweet bond between the three children and have quickly become a fan favourite.
The first picture shows Inaaya, dressed in a pretty pink frock, playfully lifting little Jeh in her arms, while another shows her laughing alongside her eldest cousin, Taimur, as they all flash goofy grins. The final snapshot, arguably the cutest, features Jeh holding Inaaya's hand as they hang out at Kareena and Saif Ali Khan's Bandra home.
Kareena captioned the post, "Happy birthday, princess. Happiness, love & joy… always & forever," tagging Soha and Kunal in the post. Fans were quick to shower the children with love, with one commenting, "Awwwwww that last pic." Another added, "Omg the last pic also, she is a Libra girl."
Inaaya's parents, Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu tied the knot in 2015 after a long courtship and welcomed their daughter Inaaya in 2017. Soha has taken a break from acting, while Kunal recently directed the film Madgaon Express, starring Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, and Avinash Tiwary. The Kemmu family's love-filled moments have become a highlight on social media, giving fans a glimpse of their adorable family life.