Hyderabad: In a few hours from now, the makers of Prabhas' upcoming film Kalki 2898 AD are set to unveil a significant announcement. The movie, helmed by Nag Ashwin, has been garnering buzz, especially after revealing a teaser featuring Amitabh Bachchan as Ashwatthama. The anticipation has been building up, with fans eagerly awaiting updates on the film's release. Adding to the buzz around big update from Kalki 2898 AD, the makers also dropped an intriguing poster on social media.
Recently, the Instagram page of Kalki AD 2898 shared a video clip of Amitabh Bachchan, wherein he's depicted inside the cave seen in the initial teaser, touching the Shiva Linga and solemnly declaring, "My time has come, time for the final battle." The social media post also revealed that the team will be sharing an important announcement today at 5 pm.
This teaser sparked a flurry of questions in the comments section, particularly regarding the film's official release date. Originally slated for May 9, the release was postponed due to the concurrent Lok Sabha election in 2024. It's anticipated that the revised release date might be disclosed during the forthcoming announcement.
Earlier this week, the team Kalki 2898 AD introduced Amitabh Bachchan's character, Ashwatthama, through a video clip portraying a conversation between him and a child. The child, curious about Ashwatthama's identity, is met with enigmatic responses from the bandaged figure, hinting at a significant battle to come.
The unveiling of this video took place in Nemawar, Madhya Pradesh, accompanied by an exclusive preview on Star Sports during the ongoing IPL 2024.
Kalki 2898 AD promises to be an epic sci-fi venture set in a post-apocalyptic future, boasting a stellar cast including Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone, Disha Patani, alongside . With Santhosh Narayanan as the music director and Djordje Stojiljkovic handling the cinematography, expectations are soaring for this ambitious project.
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