Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan will join forces with filmmaker Karan Johar to co-host the 24th edition of the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) 2024. This event is set to begin from September 27 to 29 at Yas Island in Abu Dhabi. The awards night promises to be a star-studded affair, featuring an array of Bollywood luminaries, including Shahid Kapoor, who will mesmerize the audience with their captivating performances.
The three-day affair will commence with a spectacular event known as IIFA Utsavam on September 27, which honours the rich and diverse South Indian film industries. Following this vibrant kickoff, the esteemed IIFA Awards will take centre stage on September 28, culminating in an exclusive invitation-only gala titled IIFA Rocks on September 29.
In a statement released by the IIFA team, Shah Rukh Khan expressed his enthusiasm about hosting this year's festival. He stated, "IIFA is a celebration of Indian cinema that resonates across the globe and being a part of its journey over the years has been amazing. I look forward to bringing the energy, passion, and grandeur of IIFA to life once again, as we gear up for an unforgettable celebration of Indian cinema this September."
Karan Johar also shared his excitement over returning to host the IIFA. He reflected on the significance of the awards in his career, saying, "For more than two decades, IIFA has been a defining part of my journey. My father, with his extensive industry experience and vision, was a significant member of IIFA's advisory board in its early years, contributing to its mission of celebrating Indian cinema."
Johar further conveyed his pride in his family's deep-rooted connection to IIFA, noting that his father's involvement was a point of immense pride for them, strengthening their ties to the Indian film industry and its global influence. He expressed how it is a tremendous privilege to once again light up the iconic IIFA stage for an unprecedented third time alongside his close friend Shah Rukh Khan.
This year's nominations have already generated buzz, with Ranbir Kapoor's film Animal emerging as the front-runner, garnering a remarkable 11 nominations. Hot on its heels is Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, featuring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, which has bagged 10 nominations. Additionally, Shah Rukh Khan's action-packed hits from 2023, Jawan and Pathaan, have both secured seven nominations in the Popular Category, while Vikrant Massey's film 12th Fail has achieved five nominations.