Hyderabad: Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla's IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders emerged victorious on Sunday after defeating Hyderabad Sunrisers in the finale by 8 wickets. After the historic win, Shah Rukh's daughter Suhana Khan, her friends Shanaya Kapoor and Ananya Panday took to Instagram to share their excitement at the win. Moreover, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh's wife Gauri Khan and other celebs took to their social media handles to extend congratulatory wishes to the team.
After KKR won the IPL, Shah Rukh Khan posed for a family photo with his wife Gauri Khan, daughter Suhana Khan, and sons Aryan and AbRam. The happy occasion was emphasised even more when SRK gave his wife Gauri a bear hug and a forehead kiss, as well as giving Suhana, Aryan and AbRam warm hugs. Suhana Khan, the daughter of actor Shah Rukh Khan, and her friends Ananya and Shanaya shared pictures of the jubilation as soon as the guys in purple raised the trophy.
The Archies actress posted a photo of the enormous screen that read "KKR won by 8 wickets" on her Instagram stories. "Someone pinch me," is what she commented on the picture. Another Story had the glittering celebration that took place on the ground. Suhana also dumped an old photo of her father on the floor, performing a headstand.
Suhana's friend Shanaya Kapoor has been supporting KKR since the beginning. She posted numerous photos from the stadium to social media shortly after the squad won the competition. After the team's victory, she was overjoyed and posted a photo of the whole team blowing a flying kiss. Additionally, Kapoor posted a string of candid pictures of herself, Suhana, Ananya and Aryan Khan.
In one of the pictures, she was seen with Ananya and her mother Bhavna Panday, as well as her mother Maheep Kapoor. The Screw Dheela actress also posted a picture Shah Rukh Khan from behind waving at the fans in stadium. In the caption, she said, "Champions." Moreover, SRK's wife Gauri Khan took to Instagram to post a picture of him holding the IPl trophy.
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