Hyderabad: The highly anticipated film Kalki 2898 AD, starring Prabhas in the lead role, is set to hit the silver screens in less than a week. Helmed by Nag Ashwin, this mythological sci-fi epic, also stars Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Disha Patani. With just six days left until the film's release, the makers have now announced that the 'release trailer' of the movie will be out on June 21. The first trailer has already wowed viewers with over 13 million views on YouTube in less than 24 hours of its release.
Prabhas took to Instagram on Thursday night to share a poster of the flick revealing the release date of the second trailer. In the caption, he wrote, "Get ready for another ride into the future! #Kalki2898AD Release Trailer tomorrow at 6PM." This announcement has undoubtedly heightened the anticipation surrounding the film's release on June 27.
While the first trailer received a mixed response, with praise for Nag Ashwin's ambitious vision and the impressive performances of the lead cast, it was also criticised for dubbing issues, a lack of powerful dialogues, and some VFX glitches. However, sources close to the production have revealed that the second trailer, also known as the release trailer, is a visual spectacle that will leave audiences eager to watch the film on the big screen.
The film's unique blend of mythology and science fiction has generated significant interest, and the release trailer is expected to provide a glimpse into the film's stunning visuals and action sequences. With its all-star cast and Nag Ashwin's direction, Kalki 2898 AD is poised to be one of the most talked-about films of the year. As the release date approaches, fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to experience this epic on the big screen.