Hyderabad: In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, renowned concept artist Sethu Sivanandan shared his journey, inspirations, and experiences in designing some of Malayalam cinema's most iconic characters. From Mohanlal's look in Barroz to the prosthetic designs in Marco, Sethu's work has left an indelible mark on the industry. The audience started to recognise Sethu's contributions to Malayalam cinema after he released a video of producing Malaikotte Valiban's Kadukkan on social media.
Sethu's entry into the film industry was facilitated by his father, who designed the helmet worn by Mohanlal in Malaikotte Valiban. However, it was his work on Odiyan that brought him closer to Mohanlal, with whom he shares a deep friendship. "Lal sir is a passionate painter, and we have painted together on several occasions," Sethu revealed.
Their collaboration extended to Barroz, where Sethu designed the characters, costumes, and sets under Mohanlal's guidance. "The location of the film was like my family to me. I drew all the tattoos on Lal sir's body for the character of the demon Barroz," Sethu said.
Sethu's expertise in prosthetic design was evident in Marco, where he created realistic body parts, including hands, brains, and hearts. "There is a scene in the movie where Marco's younger brother's character is killed by drowning him in acid. The corpse dissolved in acid was made prosthetically. The body immersed in acid was actually melted in the movie," he revealed.
"The severed hand of Jagadish's character was created using silicone material imported from America. The duplicate hand is made after taking the exact measurements and mold of Jagadish Chettan's hand," Sethu explained.
The process of creating these prosthetics was meticulous and time-consuming. "It took about 20 days to make all these body parts. I had to finish the work on time, as the shooting schedule was tight," Sethu said, adding, "The usual practice was to make the items in Ernakulam and then transport them to Munnar, where the film was being shot. Making body parts like this and transporting them in a vehicle is very dangerous."
However, transporting these prosthetics to the shooting location was not without its challenges. "One is that the goods can get damaged while being transported. Another is that if the police catch them during a check, it will be a problem," the artist says recalling an incident where he was stopped by the police while carrying a palm print for a Kannada movie. "The police caught me and ran back, thinking it was a real palm. They did not believe me when I told them it was made for a film," Sethu laughed.
Sethu Sivanandan entered the field of art after completing his studies at Raja Ravi Varma College of Fine Arts. Sethu said that he chose the field of art as a career because his father and mother were artists. He works as a concept designer in Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada film industries.
Sethu's contributions to Malayalam cinema extend beyond Barroz and Marco. He has worked on several films, including Aadujeevitham, where he sketched Prithviraj's character look before shooting began. As a concept designer, Sethu continues to push the boundaries of his craft. His passion for art and his dedication to his work have earned him a reputation as one of the leading concept artists in the Malayalam industry.
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