Hyderabad: Mumbai police are investigating the death of Anil Mehta, father of actor-model Malaika Arora, which was initially deemed a suicide. DCP Crime Branch Raj Tilak Roshan stated that the 62-year-old Arora's body was found on the terrace of his Mumbai residence and has been sent for post-mortem examination. Roshan confirmed that the investigation is ongoing, with forensic teams and police thoroughly examining all angles of the case.
The incident occurred while Malaika Arora was in Pune. Upon learning of her father's death, she promptly returned to Mumbai. Her ex-husband, Arbaaz Khan, also visited the scene of the incident. Several police officials and forensic teams are currently present at the residence, conducting detailed inspections and collecting evidence. CCTV footage from the building is being reviewed as part of the investigation. No suicide note was found, and the exact motive remains unclear.
In a recent update, a source close to the family suggested that the death might have been accidental rather than intentional, noting that Arora had no known health issues. The Mumbai police are preparing a detailed panchnama (inspection report) to provide accurate information about the incident. As the investigation continues, the family remains in shock. They are yet to respond to media queries.
(If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050 (available 24x7) or iCall, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences' helpline - 9152987821, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm).
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- Malaika Arora's Father Dies by Suicide: Son Arhaan by Her Side as She Rushes Home, Arbaaz Khan's Family Offers Condolences - Watch
- 'It Was Not Easy': When Malaika Arora Talked about Her Parents' Separation
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