Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor and her husband, Anand Ahuja, recently celebrated their son Vayu's second birthday with a grand and heartwarming party on August 19. The event was a beautiful affair, reflecting the joy and love Vayu brings to their lives. Following the celebration, Sonam took to social media to share her emotions.
The Khoobsurat actor posted a touching video of Vayu running joyfully, accompanied by a heartfelt message. "My baby turns two today!!! Happy 2nd Birthday to our sweet, precious Vayu!" Sonam wrote, highlighting the joy Vayu brings to their lives. In her note, Sonam expressed her deep affection for her son, noting his boundless curiosity, infectious laughter, and loving nature.
She also reflected on how Vayu has strengthened the bond between her and Anand, stating, "You've deepened the love between your dadaa and me in ways we never imagined." She described Vayu as their "sunshine, music, little genius, and boundless source of joy," emphasising the immense happiness he has brought to their family.
The birthday celebration follows Vayu's first birthday last year, which was marked by a special puja and family lunch at their Delhi home. Sonam shared several photos from that occasion, expressing her gratitude. Sonam and Anand's celebration of Vayu's second birthday highlights their deep love for their son, showcasing how he has become an integral and cherished part of their family.
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