Hyderabad: The Central Crime Branch (CCB) of Bengaluru Police has issued a second notice to eight people including Telugu actor Hema, who tested positive for narcotics, to appear for questioning on Saturday. This comes after Hema failed to appear for the initial questioning scheduled for May 27, citing illness as the reason. The actor had requested an additional week's time to attend the questioning, which has now been rescheduled for June 1.
For the unversed, a rave party took place at a farmhouse in Electronic City on the night of May 19 and 20. The party, which was advertised as a birthday celebration, was busted by the crime branch, where they seized 17 MDMA pills and cocaine. A medical examination of the attendees revealed that 86 individuals, including 59 men and 27 women, had consumed drugs.
A total of 103 people attended the event, including another Telugu actor Aashi Roy, who later claimed in a video that she was unaware of the drug use and had assumed it was a birthday party. So far, the crime branch has arrested five people, including drug peddlers and the party's organiser, in connection with the case.
The farmhouse, allegedly owned by Gopala Reddy, the owner of Con Card, was rented out to a Hyderabad-based man named Vasu, who organised the party.