Hyderabad: Batman: Caped Crusader, the animated series which began streaming on August 1, offers a fresh reinterpretation of Batman's legacy through a noir lens, centring on a young Bruce Wayne as he navigates the early days of his career while delving into the themes of corruption in Gotham City. Following its release, netizens have taken to social media to share their reactions regarding the series.
Holy awesomeness, Batman! I’m five episodes into the new #BatmanCapedCrusader on Amazon and it’s absolute FIRE!
— Albert T (@Loon26) August 3, 2024
The reimagining is great, Timm and Co. are really breaking down the Dark Knight and the greater mythos is ironically refreshing.
Taking to the microblogging site X, a fan wrote, "Holy awesomeness, Batman! I’m five episodes into the new #BatmanCapedCrusader on Amazon and it’s absolute FIRE! The reimagining is great, Timm and Co. are really breaking down the Dark Knight and the greater mythos is ironically refreshing."
My favorite episode of the season was “Kiss of the Catwoman.” #BatmanCapedCrusader pic.twitter.com/UxgMlZ1zTT
— Tim Geraci (@TimG311) August 3, 2024
batman caped crusader animation is pretty fuckin good i give it a strong 7/10
— HamzaH (@HamzaHHHH_) August 3, 2024
Another user shared his favourite moment by stating, "My favourite episode of the season was 'Kiss of the Catwoman.' #BatmanCapedCrusader." In a more measured analysis, one viewer tweeted, "Batman caped crusader animation is pretty good i give it a strong 7/10."
Watched all 10 episodes of #BatmanCapedCrusader. My thoughts are pretty positive upon my first viewing. It reminds me a lot of how the Year One comic book is structured, where we see more of the people's perspective. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/qp41tJ5J04
— Moaz 🦇 (@moazikhlas) August 3, 2024
Others expressed their overall satisfaction, with a user stating, "Watched all 10 episodes of #BatmanCapedCrusader. My thoughts are pretty positive upon my first viewing. It reminds me a lot of how the Year One comic book is structured, where we see more of the people's perspective."
Could be sleeping, but instead I’m watching Batman Caped Crusader. Worth it. #BatmanCapedCrusader
— A.J. Roberts (@A_J_Roberts) August 3, 2024
Excitement for the series was noticeable as one netizen wrote, "Could be sleeping, but instead I’m watching Batman Caped Crusader. Worth it. #BatmanCapedCrusader."
Catwoman wearing a dress and heels yet running full speed and being fully active in them is beyond absurd. #BatmanCapedCrusader
— sean (@SeanNeutron) August 3, 2024
However, a netizen drew a comparison to a previous version, writing, "Batman 1992 is 10x better than Batman Caped Crusader, animation, writing, music it's not even close in terms of quality." Another user pointed out, "Catwoman wearing a dress and heels yet running full speed and being fully active in them is beyond absurd. #BatmanCapedCrusader."
Batman 1992 is 10x better than Batman Caped Crusader, animation, writing, music it's not even close in terms of quality.
— BLK x Okami (@SamixIzFaya) August 3, 2024
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and helmed by notable names such as Matt Reeves, JJ Abrams, and Bruce Timm, the series can be streamed on Prime Video. It is accessible to viewers in over 240 countries and territories worldwide, making it widely available for Batman enthusiasts everywhere.