Hyderabad: Ranbir Kapoor, who recently marked three years of marriage with Alia Bhatt, revealed a personal story during his appearance at the 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa today, November 24. While announcing a film festival dedicated to his grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor, Ranbir shared how Alia once asked him who Kishore Kumar was when they first met.
Speaking on the importance of preserving cinema heritage, Ranbir stated that many iconic artists are often forgotten with time. "It's just the circle of life. People are forgotten, and then a newer artist comes," he noted. He believes that initiatives like the Raj Kapoor Film Festival will not only celebrate his grandfather's legacy but also introduce the younger generation to his timeless classics.
The film festival, organised in collaboration with NFDC, NFAI, and the Film Heritage Foundation of India, is scheduled from December 13 to 15, 2024. It will feature ten of Raj Kapoor's iconic films, screened nationwide. Ranbir credited his uncle, Kunal Kapoor, for spearheading the restoration of Raj Kapoor's works, ensuring that audiences can relive the golden era of Indian cinema.
Reflecting on the legacy of Indian film stalwarts, Ranbir stressed the need to celebrate their contributions consistently. "It's not just about Raj Kapoor; many legendary filmmakers and actors deserve similar recognition," he added.
On the work front, Ranbir has an impressive slate of upcoming projects, including Ramayana, Love & War, Animal Park, and Dhoom 4. The first and second parts of Ramayana will be released on Diwali 2026 and 2027, while Love & War is slated for release on March 20, 2026.