Hyderabad: Bigg Boss OTT 3 host Anil Kapoor came under the scanner of Netizens after he shouted and disrespected contestant Vishal Pandey at the Weekend Ka Vaar on Saturday. Nany called out the Bollywood actor for being loud and disrespectful to influencers under the garb of scolding Vishal and Sana Makbul. Netizens were quick to tag Anil Kapoor as the worst host re-sharing the clip from the July 6 episode.
Jab #SaiKetanRao pe aaye tho character ki baat hai but jab #vishalpandey par aaye tho dhajiya udhao, waah #AnilKapoor ! #BiggbossOTT3
— Shantanu Bhise (@Shxntaxu) July 7, 2024
During the nominations, Kapoor put Sana Makbul on the spot for not standing up for Naezy. He also criticised Vishal for his remarks about the producers giving Ranveer preference. As per Anil, Sana and Vishal have been plotting and preparing the entire time, acting as though they are experts at the game. In addition, he criticised Sana and Vishal for several other things and said that they had not been able to truly connect with the audience.
Bat barmizi ki ho rahi thi host ko dekho kitni tamiz se baat kar raha hai #VishalPandey #BiggbossOTT3 #AnilKapoor #BiggBossOTT3onJioCinema pic.twitter.com/wuyXAYkCpY
— Angel 🧚 (@kir2338) July 7, 2024
Where are the fans of #VishalPandey
— ZEUS TEWATHIA (@zeustewathia) July 7, 2024
It’s extremely disrespectful how #AnilKapoor shouted at #VishalPandey today.#WeekendKaVaar again #LuvKataria #VishalPandey and #SanaMakbul get bashed #BiggBossOTT3 Team #Naezy gets praised. @zeustewathia
The Bollywood veteran also cautioned the housemates at the end of his speech, saying that everyone was looking unique and showcasing their greatest qualities, except Sana and Vishal. Vishal appeared to be quite low during the episode. Many on the internet felt Vishal was targeted unnecessarily.
It’s extremely disrespectful how #AnilKapoor shouted at #VishalPandey today.
— Priya Vatsh (@Priyankavatsh) July 6, 2024
You cannot demotivate or demean a young artist by questioning their identity and background.
This behavior is unacceptable and in poor taste, Mr. Anil Kapoor.#LuvKataria #BiggBoss #BiggBossOTT3… pic.twitter.com/QCq6lNjtoq
Taking to X, social media users opined their thoughts on Anil disrespecting the contestant for minor things. Reacting to the same, an X user wrote: "It’s extremely disrespectful how #AnilKapoor shouted at #VishalPandey today. You cannot demotivate or demean a young artist by questioning their identity and background. This behavior is unacceptable and in poor taste, Mr. Anil Kapoor." The post has several comments supporting the X users stance.
#VishalPandey #AnilKapoor #WeekendKaVaar is so boring and Someone pls tell anil kapoor to stop shouting. Terrible host !! Missing salman so much. No one can host like he does. #BiggbossOTT3 - anil kapoor sucks, someone fire him he can’t intimidate belittle contestants
— Sudha (@mik_dr0p) July 7, 2024
Another one wrote: "#VishalPandey #AnilKapoor #WeekendKaVaar is so boring and Someone pls tell anil kapoor to stop shouting. Terrible host !! Missing salman so much. No one can host like he does. #BiggbossOTT3 - anil kapoor sucks, someone fire him he can’t intimidate belittle contestants." X users chimed in the comment section calling Kapoor the worst host of the reality series, which has been for the longest hosted by Salman Khan, followed by Amitabh Bachchan and Karan Johar.
Bigg Boss OTT 3 kickstarted on June 21 with 15 contestants. The show premieres exclusively on JioCinema.
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