Hyderabad: Mumbai based dance troupe V. Unbeatable stepped up their game in the Fantasy League Semifinals, delivering a heart-pounding act full of soaring twists and turns. At moments, it appeared that the performers were defying gravity, as Klum commented, "Like some movie." The live audience urged Klum to use her Golden Buzzer, yelling, "Press it." Klum heeded the audience's wishes and hit the Golden Buzzer, showering the group with gold confetti and sending them straight to the Finals.
On America's Got Talent: Fantasy League, it's all about strategy, with one heart-stopping act moving on to the Finals courtesy to a highly awaited Golden Buzzer from one of the Judges. The Mumbai-based V. Unbeatable dance group triumphantly returned to the stage, impressing the world as a member of Judge Howie Mandel's Dream Team in Fantasy League. But Heidi Klum didn't pass up the opportunity to take V. Unbeatable for herself, pushing them into the AGT: Fantasy League Finals and adding the outstanding ensemble to her Dream Team.
It was a setback for Howie, who had often referred to the trio as not only his favourite Act in AGTFL but also his all-time favourite Act in America's Got Talent history. It came after an especially moving dance sequence honouring one of the group's late members. The Indian group known for its daring stunts has always been forthright about their problems. They endured tremendous poverty in Mumbai's slums, as well as difficulties from COVID-19 at the height of their success. But probably most significant was the death of V. Unbeatable's co-founder, Vikas Gupta, who suffered a spinal accident during a dance practice in 2014 and died as a result of his injuries. "Before we were V. Unbeatable, the name of the group [was] Unbeatable," one of the members informed producers. The added the Vikas' initial letter V in the front to commemorate him.
For the unversed, V.Unbeatable was a dancing group on Season 14 of America's Got Talent. They ended the competition in fourth place. V.Unbeatable returned for AGT: The Champions 2, where they won the season and earned the title of Best in the World. They returned for America's Got Talent: Fantasy League, where they competed on Howie Mandel's side, but Heidi Klum stole them in the Semifinals after pushing the Golden Buzzer for them.