Patna: Sun Petrochemicals on Friday inked a pact with the Bihar government pledging Rs 36,700 crore investment commitment in the renewable energy sector. At the Bihar Business Connect 2024, leading companies such as NHPC (Rs 5,500 crore for renewable energy sector), SLMG Beverages (Rs 3,000 crore for food processing sector), Shree Cements (Rs 800 crore in general manufacturing category), and Haldiram Snacks Pvt Ltd (Rs 300 crore for food processing sector) also inked MoUs with the state.
"We are investing Rs 36,700 crore in renewable energy and storage infrastructure. I wish to use this opportunity to appreciate the significant change in investor sentiment and environment in the state which encourages us to commit this and in subsequent projects," Dilip Shanghvi, MD, Sun Petrochemicals said.
He further said the projects in the pre-commissioning stage will create more than 30,000 jobs. "... And it is something that helps us strengthen the focus of the central government also, in terms of renewable energy and infrastructure. So, I look forward to participating in the growth of Bihar and contributing to this growth, so that we can be a partner in this growth," he said.