Vijayapura: In a tragic incident, a woman, along with her four children, attempted to die by suicide by jumping into the Edadande canal of Alamatti near Benala in Nidagundi taluk, Karnataka, on Monday, following a family dispute. Local fishermen managed to rescue the woman, but the four children drowned.
The deceased children have been identified as Tanu Ningaraja Bhajantri (5), Raksha Ningaraja Bhajantri (3), Hasen Ningaraja Bhajantri and Hussain Ningaraja Bhajantri (13 months), all from Telagi village in Kolhara taluk. The bodies of two girls, Tanu and Raksha, have been recovered, while the search is underway by the Nidagundi police, fire brigade and local fishermen to locate the bodies of the twin boys, Hassan and Hussain.
The family, led by Ningaraja Bhajantri, had arrived at Budihala village in Ellamma, Nidagundi taluk, to seek divine blessings on the occasion of the full moon. Their bike ran out of petrol near the canal, prompting Ningaraja to leave his wife and children by the canal while he went to fetch petrol. By the time he returned, his wife had thrown the four children into the canal and she also jumped into the canal. Fishermen, who witnessed the incident rushed to rescue Bhagyashree, the mother, while the children met a watery grave.
Family members revealed that Bhagyashree, who was reportedly in poor health, had been admitted to the government hospital before being shifted to Vijayapura District Hospital for further treatment. The Nidagundi police initiated an investigation into the incident.
According to Ningaraja Bhajantri, the father of the deceased children, there had been a quarrel at home regarding property the previous day, which had led to a confrontation. He recalled his wife’s earlier suicide threat and tried to console her, asking her not to take such a step. The family had decided to visit Bengaluru for work, but when the petrol ran out, Ningaraja had instructed his wife and children to wait while he went ahead. Moments later, he heard the sound of someone jumping into the canal.
Read more: Uttar Pradesh: Woman Kills Her Two Children By Drowning Them, Throws Third One In River