Nirmal: In an unfortunate turn of events, a vehicle transporting wild animals, including rare species like a white tiger and gharial crocodiles, met with an accident, but all animals were reported to be safe. The animals were being transported from the Sanjay Gandhi National Zoo in Patna, Bihar, to the Bannerghatta National Zoo in Bengaluru, in two vehicles when the accident took place.
The accident occurred on Wednesday when one of the vehicles lost control and overturned near Monhedigutta village in the Mamada mandal of Nirmal district. Among the eight crocodiles on board, two were immediately rescued and local forest officials took swift measures to prevent any of the animals from escaping. Fortunately, none of the animals, including the rare white tiger, suffered injuries.
The authorities arranged for an alternate vehicle, ensuring that the animals continued their journey safely. Forest officials remained vigilant, managing the situation effectively and preventing any further incidents.
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