Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Union Minister of State Shobha Karandlaje had said a person from Tamil Nadu was responsible for the bomb blast at Rameswaram Cafe in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Later, a case was registered against Shobha Karandlaje, who is the Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour, in Madurai under four sections including inciting communal riots and disturbing public peace of the IPC on the basis of a complaint filed by Thiyagarajan from DMK in this regard.
A petition was filed in the Madras High Court on behalf of Shobha seeking to quash this case. The case came up for hearing again on Tuesday. At that time, the lawyer appearing on behalf of Shobha said that an affidavit was filed seeking an apology in connection with the Bengaluru Rameswaram cafe bomb blast case.
It has been stated that the comment that Tamils were involved in the bomb blast was not made with any intention to hurt the sentiments of Tamils. Further, the affidavit stated that the Union Minister understood that her comment had offended Tamils and she apologised on social media and that she has great respect for the history, culture and tradition of Tamils.
At the same time, it has been stated in the affidavit filed on behalf of Minister Shobha that she apologises if her comment has offended anyone. Subsequently, the judge adjourned the case saying that the hearing on the petition seeking to quash the case would be held on September 5.