Bhopal: Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and current Union Agriculture Minister, has shared the joyous news of his elder son Kartikeya Singh Chouhan's engagement. Kartikeya is set to marry Amanat Bansal, the daughter of prominent businessman Anupam Bansal and Ruchika Bansal.
Kartikeya's engagement on October 17
In a heartfelt tweet, Shivraj Singh Chauhan expressed his happiness, stating, "My elder son Kartikeya’s engagement is fixed with Amanat Bansal, daughter of Anupam and Ruchika Bansal. The engagement ceremony is scheduled for October 17. My wife Sadhana and I, along with the entire family, are thrilled to share this joyous occasion with all of you. We kindly request your best wishes and blessings for the couple’s future together."
Who is Amanat Bansal?
Amanat Bansal, who will soon join the Chauhan family, is a psychology student at Oxford University, London. Her father, Anupam Bansal, is a well-established businessman and the executive director of Liberty Shoes, while her mother, Ruchika Bansal, is the founder of the Haryana chapter of the Confederation of Women Entrepreneurs of India.
Shivraj Sigh's younger son was engaged earlier this year
Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s younger son, Kunal, was engaged earlier this year to the daughter of Sandeep Jain, the son of Bhopal's Dr Indramal Jain. With Kartikeya's engagement scheduled for October 17, there is speculation that both sons might have their weddings around the same time.
Read more: On his First Visit After Becoming Union Minister, Shivraj Singh Chouhan Leaves For Bhopal In Train