New Delhi: The first third gender candidate so far in the Lok Sabha polls in the national capital, Rajan Singh filed his nomination papers from the South Delhi constituency on Friday. 26-year-old Rajan Singh, made headlines as he entered the South Delhi Lok Sabha seat race drawing attention for his unique attire and barefoot approach while filing his nomination.
Donning a dhoti and a cap, Rajan Singh's symbolic gesture reflected his commitment to representing the marginalized community. Despite the lack of security, as mandated by the Delhi High Court, Singh fearlessly pursued his candidacy, emphasizing the need for equal rights and recognition in democracy.
Expressing gratitude to Baba Saheb Ambedkar for pioneering the rights of marginalized groups, Singh highlighted pressing issues faced by the transgender community, including inadequate access to essential facilities like toilets, healthcare, and public transport. Advocating for the establishment of a National Transgender Commission, Singh's candidacy symbolizes a significant step towards inclusivity and representation in Indian politics.
Talking to ETV Bharat, Singh said, I'm running in this election to raise awareness about the challenges faced by the third gender community due to the lack of appropriate civic amenities and their struggle for social acceptance and rights." Singh also emphasized the need for a national transgender commission to address basic needs like separate washrooms, queues, and a minimum one percent reservation in jobs and education.
Despite official recognition, the third gender community still faces societal rejection, prompting Singh to question the absence of leaders representing them in major political parties. By filing nomination papers for the Lok Sabha polls, Singh aims to assert the presence of the third gender community and advocate for their rights.
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