Hyderabad: In a breakthrough, Chhattisgarh Police arrested senior Maoist leader Balmuri Narayana Rao (57), alias Prabhakar, on Monday. Rao, a prominent figure in the Maoist movement, carried a reward of ₹25 lakh by the Chhattisgarh government with additional bounties from other states.
The arrest occurred within the jurisdiction of the Antaghar Police Station in the Kanker district, following sustained surveillance of Rao's activities.
A Long Underground Journey
Hailing from the Birpur Mandal centre in the Jagtial district of Telangana, Rao has been evading authorities for over four decades. A key member of the Maoist Central and Provincial Committees, Rao is the in-charge of supplies for the Dandakaranyam Special Zonal Committee (DKSZC) and is the head of the Maoist Mobile Political School.
Rao's involvement in the Maoist movement dates back to 1984. Over the years, he operated in multiple states, including Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, holding various significant positions within the organisation.
Family Ties to the Maoist Leadership
Rao is the brother of Ganapati, the former secretary of the Maoist Party Central Committee, also from Birpur village. Adding to his family’s association with the movement, his wife, Raje Kange, is reported to be the in-charge of the Raoghat Area Committee in Chhattisgarh.
Rao is implicated in numerous criminal cases across several states, with accusations linking him to major Maoist activities. He will be presented in a court in Chhattisgarh on Tuesday.
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