Kozhikode: A theft has been reported at the residence of renowned Malayalam writer MT Vasudevan Nair. According to a complaint filed by his wife, Saraswati, 26 sovereigns of gold were stolen from their house on Kottaram Road in Nadakkave, Kozhikode.
The stolen gold, which was kept in a cupboard, included three necklaces, bangles, earrings, diamond earrings, a locket, and an emerald-studded locket. Initially, it was suspected that the gold was deposited in a bank locker, but inspections revealed that the ornaments were missing from both the house and the locker.
The theft is believed to have occurred between September 22 and 30, possibly during the day. Following the complaint, the police registered a case and launched an investigation. The preliminary inquiry is focused on those who had access to the house for work. Nadakkave Police Inspector mentioned that more details will be revealed as the investigation progresses. However, the family has not yet commented on the incident.
Read more: Bank Manager Absconds With Gold Worth Over Rs 17 Crore From Kerala Branch Of Bank Of Maharashtra