Hyderabad: In a horrific incident from Telangana, a woman along with her two accomplices allegedly killed her businessman husband in Hyderabad and dumped the body across the state border in Karnataka while traveling in a Mercedes Benz car after the victim refused to fulfil the wife's demand of Rs 8 crore. The accused woman, who lodged a missing complaint of her husband after the murder, was arrested by the police along with the accomplices in the case.
How The Murder Came To Light
The gruesome murder came to light on October 8 when police recovered an unidentified and burnt body at a coffee plantation near Suntikoppa in Karnataka's Kodagu district. In the subsequent investigation which involved examining the CCTV footage of the area, police zeroed in on one red Mercedes registered in the name of the victim identified as Ramesh, a real estate businessman from Telangana.
In a joint investigation by police in Karnataka and Telangana, the slain businessman's wife Niharika (29), from Bhuvangiri district was taken into custody. She, according to a police official, confessed to her crime during interrogation and on her disclosure, police also arrested her accomplices Nikhil and Ankur.
Horrific Murder Plot
During the subsequent police interrogation of the trio, chilling revelations came to light over the meticulous planning of the murder by the woman and her two accomplices.
It has been understood that the woman who married Ramesh after separation from her two husbands, one from Bengaluru and the second from Haryana, had demanded Rs 8 crore from him. When Ramesh refused, Niharika plotted the murder along with her accomplices. The accused allegedly beat Ramesh to death in Uppal area of Hyderabad on October 1 and later dumped the body in Kodagu after chopping it into pieces and burning it.
Troubled Childhood of Accused
Police investigation also revealed that Niharika had a troubled childhood and lost her father when she was a teenager after which her mother remarried. Niharika, who reportedly excelled in academics, secured a job after completing engineering but separated from her husband after becoming a mother. She married Ramesh, who also was separated from his first wife.
It is learnt that Niharika's life had taken a dark turn towards crime while she was doing a job in Haryana where she was jailed in a financial fraud. While being in jail, she had come in contact with one of her accomplices in Ramesh's murder as per police sources.
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