Coimbatore : Triggering a major controversy, the Tamil Nadu Election Flying Squad intercepted a family of tourists from West Bengal and confiscated Rs. 60,000 from them. The tourists, including a bank employee Manudeep Ghosh (45), his wife, child, and parents, had planned a trip to Ooty from Kolkata. They were traveling in a private car when they were stopped and searched near Kallar by the Flying Squad.
The officials seized the money and instructed the tourists to submit relevant documents to the collector's office to reclaim the amount. The tourists explained that the money was meant for travel, medical expenses, food, and accommodation, as some of them were elderly and suffering from heart disease and cancer. However, the officials cited election rules and refused to return the money on the spot.
The tourists, disappointed by the incident, expressed their concerns at the Coimbatore Collector's office, stating that the officials did not listen to their explanations properly due to a language barrier. They emphasized that the seizure had affected their tourism plans and urged the authorities to take action to prevent such incidents in the future.
The tourists had planned to stay in Ooty for two days and then visit Coorg, Karnataka, before returning to Kolkata on April 2nd. They highlighted that despite their situation, the officials involved in the inspection showed no mercy and called for action against such behavior.
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