New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal on Thursday said Upper House Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar's remarks that the RSS has "unimpeachable credentials" were contrary to tradition and that such an opinion can be expressed by a member but not by the Chair.
Reacting to the remarks, Sibal said on X, "Dhankar ji: RSS as an 'organisation has unimpeachable credentials'. My take: Only his opinion with which others in the House may differ."
Dhankar ji :
— Kapil Sibal (@KapilSibal) August 1, 2024
RSS as an “organisation has unimpeachable credentials”
My take :
Only his opinion with which others in the House may differ
Since Dhankar ji represents the will of the House such an opinion
can be expressed by a member but not by the Chair
Contrary to tradition
"Since Dhankar ji represents the will of the House, such an opinion can be expressed by a member but not by the Chair. Contrary to tradition," the Independent Rajya Sabha MP said. During the Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, Samajwadi Party's Ramji Lal Suman said the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) affiliation was the criterion for the government in selecting the head of the National Testing Agency (NTA).
At this point, Dhankhar ordered that the comments would not go on record.
"I hereby rule that RSS is an organisation that has full constitutional rights to participate in the development journey of this nation. This organisation bears unimpeachable credentials, comprises of people who are deeply committed to serving the nation selflessly," he said.
"It is soothing to note, it is wholesome to note, that RSS as an organisation has been contributing for national welfare, our culture, and everyone should, as a matter of fact, take pride in any organisation which is acting in this manner," Dhankhar said.
Leader of the Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge had defended Suman, saying if a member was speaking within the rules and not violating any rule, he or she should not be prevented from making his statement. He went on to state that what Suman said was "correct" and what Dhankhar was doing was not right.
The chairman said Kharge has indicated that the chair can intervene when there is transgression of rules. Dhankhar also said RSS is an organisation which is "a global think tank of the highest order".