Dehradun: Congress leader and former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Tuesday slammed the Pushkar Singh Dhami government saying that the State government is wasting the state's money by implementing the Uniform Civil Code in the state just for the sake of elections.
On the implementation of UCC in the state, Rawat said, “We first need to see the draft. UCC means that its implementation should be in the entire country. What kind of Civil Code is this which is being implemented state-wise.” “If they want to implement this law, it should be done in Delhi. They are just wasting the state's money just for the sake of elections,” Rawat added.
Earlier, Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Committee had completed its work and its report would be delivered on February 2. Dhami said, “While making a promise to the people of the state in the 2022 assembly elections, we constituted the UCC Committee, taking a pledge to implement the Uniform Civil Code in the state. The committee has completed its work and on February 2, it will submit its report to us." The UCC proposes a common set of laws dealing with marriage, inheritance, adoption and other matters.
(With ANI Inputs)
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