Ambala: Security measures have been increased ahead of the Delhi March announced by farmers today. The police have barricaded the Ambala-Delhi border as farmers plan to leave from the Shambhu Border at 1 PM.
"The march has entered its 297th day, and the indefinite hunger strike at the Khanauri border has reached its 11th day. At 1 PM, a 'jatha' of 101 farmers will head towards Delhi from the Shambhu Border," said farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher.
On Thursday, the police reported that 34 farmers were detained while attempting to travel from Zero Point to the Rashtriya Dalit Prerna Sthal in Noida to hold a protest without permission. "The 34 farmers were taken into custody late at night and subsequently sent to jail," stated Noida Police.
In response to the ongoing farmers' agitation in the Noida and Greater Noida regions, the Uttar Pradesh government has formed a 5-member committee. This committee will be chaired by IAS Anil Kumar Sagar, the Principal Secretary of Infrastructure and Industrial Development in Uttar Pradesh.
The committee consists of five members, indicating a focused team with the expertise to address the issue effectively. The members include Anil Kumar Sagar, Piyush Verma, Sanjay Khatri, Somya Srivastava, and Kapil Singh. The committee is expected to submit its report and recommendations to the government within one month.
Earlier, on December 3, the Uttar Pradesh police also detained protesting farmers who are demanding compensation and benefits, including a legal guarantee for the Minimum Support Price (MSP). (With agency inputs)
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