New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Friday directed the Cente to file a status report on a petition demanding that the Ministry of Home Affairs decide on revoking the Indian citizenship of the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi. The case will next be heard On January 13, 2025, before a bench headed by Acting Chief Justice Vibhu Bakhru.
During the hearing, the Centre's lawyer informed the High Court that the previous counsel handling the case had been elevated to the status of a senior advocate. The government is in the process of appointing a new lawyer.
Petitioner and BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy urged the court to issue a notice to the Centre. However, the bench stated, "Let the new lawyer first take instructions from the government."
Petitioner Vignesh Shishir, who had filed a related petition in the Allahabad High Court, also appeared during the hearing and provided updates on the proceedings in that court.
Previously, on November 6, the Delhi High Court reviewed the record of the petition filed in the Allahabad High Court, which appears similar to the current case. Swamy argued that the Allahabad High Court proceedings were unrelated to the Delhi High Court hearing.
The court then questioned whether the Ministry of Home Affairs had responded to Swamy's petition, with Additional Solicitor General Cheta Sharma promising to provide updates after seeking instructions.
The petition initially transferred to a bench headed by the Acting Chief Justice on August 20, was previously heard by Justice Sanjeev Narula. Justice Narula noted the lack of a constitutional right claimed by the petitioner but acknowledged the public interest aspect of the case, justifying its transfer to the Public Interest Litigation bench.