New Delhi: The probe into the blast at a cafe in Bengaluru has been handed over to NIA, sources said. At least nine people were injured when a blast took place at Rameshwaram Cafe in Brookfield in East Bengaluru on March 1.
According to the sources, the investigation into the explosion has been handed over to the NIA. A man wearing a cap, mask and glasses is the prime suspect in the case and is still untraceable, the sources said.
Soon after the blast occurred, the BJP targeted the ruling Congress government and demanded an NIA probe. In reaction, CM Siddaramaiah said the government will take steps according to the need for the NIA investigation. On BJP's charge that instead of Brand Bengaluru, the city has become 'Bomb Bengaluru, Siddaramaiah countered saying during the BJP's regime four bomb blasts took place. "Who was ruling when the Mangaluru cooker blast took place? There was a blast in front of the BJP's office in Malleswaram. Who was ruling then? Who is in charge of NIA, IB? It's not their failure?" he questioned.
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