New Delhi: Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday said that the Congress never gave complete reservation to OBCs, never gave reservation to the poor of the general category, which did not consider Baba Saheb worthy of Bharat Ratna, kept giving Bharat Ratna only to its family. The party has become outdated and has always been against any kind of reservation, he said.
"The Congress' thought has become outdated and it has outsourced its work. We are not happy at such a downfall of the party and we express our sympathies," he said.
Replying to the debate on the Motion of Thanks in the Rajya Sabha, PM Modi said, "They (congress) are now preaching and teaching us the lesson of social justice. Those who have no guarantee as a leader are raising questions about Modi's guarantee....". The Prime minister said SCs, STs, OBCs got their rights in J-K only after the removal of Article 370, he said.
"The Congress that handed over a large part of our land to our enemies, the Congress which stopped the modernisation of the country's armies, is today giving us speeches on national security and internal security, the Congress which, after independence, They remained confused, whether industries are necessary or farming".
"The party could not decide whether nationalisation is important or privatisation...The Congress that brought India's economy from number 12 to number 11 in 10 years...we brought India's economy to number 5 in just 10 years and this Congress is here to give us long speeches on economic policies..."
Meanwhile, Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on Congress using West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's remarks on differences in the INDIA bloc over seat-sharing and said he prays that the opposition party is able to secure 40 seats in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls.
Replying to the debate on the motion of thanks in the Rajya Sabha, the Prime Minister said the Congress whose leader and policy have "no guarantee" is raising questions on his policies."A challenge has been posed before you from West Bengal that Congress will not be able to cross 40 (in Lok Sabha elections 2024). I pray that you are able to secure 40," the Prime Minister said.
Mamata Banerjee had last week slammed Congress and also took a dig at the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, saying she had proposed that it take BJP in the Hindi heartland states and contest 300 seats across the county but they did not heed and she has doubts "if they will secure even 40 seats if they contested 300".
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