New Delhi: Sitting on a luggage suitcase under bone-chilling temperature, Mukesh Sharma, a traveller, who was waiting for his train to go to Lucknow, faced hardship at New Delhi Railway Station due to long waiting time for his train as there were not enough seats at the platform and waiting rooms to tackle extra passengers rush.
Sharma told ETV Bharat, "Passengers are facing difficulties as several trains are running late over 10 hours following which numbers of travellers have to wait at stations due to lack of space in the waiting room. They have to sit on different platforms under an open area in cold weather."
This situation more or less prevails at several other stations, with passengers having no option but to bear the brunt of the negligence of the authorities. However, when contacted Himanshu Shekhar Upadhyay, Chief Public Relations Officer, Northern Railways said, "There is enough space in waiting rooms for passengers.”
A railway official, on condition of anonymity, told ETV Bharat during the winter season, the railway had made arrangements for passengers, who were waiting for late trains. Some makeshift tents were erected near stations as waiting spaces, and some bed sheets were put in the cafeteria area for passengers. This year, if railways notice a lack of space in waiting rooms during peak time, officials would make decisions on it to provide extra facilities for passengers.
Another passenger Abhishek Kapoor told ETV Bharat, "I have seen a lack of space in waiting rooms for General Coach Passengers at several stations. If you visit New Delhi Station, there are four types of waiting rooms, AC class passengers who have to pay Rs 20 for every hour, Women waiting room, Sleeper Class, and general class waiting rooms."
"General Coach Passengers, who are not allowed to enter the first three waiting rooms, have to either wait on the platform or go to overcrowded general waiting rooms,” Kapoor said.
Responding to the waiting room issue, Shashikant Tripathi, Chief Public Relations Officer, North Central Railway, “Big Railway junctions have proper space for waiting room but small stations often face waiting space issues during winter season. We have contacted the local administration to set up a space for waiting where proper heaters are provided.”
Another passenger Shrikant Sharma told ETV Bharat, “During the winter season, several stations have no proper waiting room facilities, especially remote areas. Swanky stations in city areas have limited space but other small station passengers face such issues."
As fog affects train movement in several parts of northern India and over 50-60 trains are running late around 10-12 hours, passengers have to wait long hours at platforms. Travellers often face difficulties in the morning and late nights under bone-chilling winds.