New Delhi: Some leaders from the Opposition parties on Thursday slammed the BJP-led government at the Centre after Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled a "White Paper" on the Indian Economy in the Lok Sabha. Reacting to the White Paper, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) national spokesperson Jayant Jigyasu said the government always criticises previous governments, but it does not do anything for progressive development.
"Several institutions were developed and run by previous governments, but this present Central government always indulges in misrepresenting the facts about previous developments," said Jigyasu.
Taking to microblogging site X, Congress posted and alleged, "The BJP government's 'white paper'. In UP, a woman was forced to give birth to a child on a roadside bench." The White Paper tabled, states in 2014 when we formed the government, the economy was in a fragile state; public finances were in bad shape; there was economic mismanagement and financial indiscipline, and there was widespread corruption. It was a crisis."
"Our government refrained from bringing out a white paper on the poor state of affairs then. That would have given a negative narrative and shaken the confidence of all, including investors," it said. It further said, "Now that we have stabilised the economy and set it on a recovery and growth path, it is necessary to place in the public domain the seemingly insurmountable challenges – left behind as a legacy by the UPA government."
“Every challenge of the pre-2014 era was overcome through our economic management and our governance. These have placed the country on a resolute path of sustained high growth. This has been possible through our right policies, true intentions and appropriate decisions,” it added.
Earlier in the day, Congress released a 'Black Paper' listing 10 years of alleged injustice by the BJP-led NDA government. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge released 'Black Paper' that graphically lists in detail the failures of the BJP government in fulfilling its promises. Referring to Modi's guarantees being advertised in various media ahead of elections, Kharge reminded him of his earlier guarantees like providing two crore jobs every year and doubling the income of the farmers, which he never fulfilled.
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