Balasore (Odisha): In a tragic incident, the driver of a private bus carrying around 60 passengers died of a heart attack while driving near Patapur road under Nilagiri Police Station limits in Odisha’s Balasore district on Tuesday, the police said. According to official sources, the Volvo bus belonging to Naskar Travels carrying passengers from West Bengal was proceeding towards Panchalingeswar Temple in the district when the health of the bus driver suddenly deteriorated near Patapur road.
With the sudden pain in his chest, the driver stopped the bus on the roadside before falling unconscious. The passengers then rushed the driver to the Nilagiri Hospital where the doctors declared him dead. Later, the police launched a probe into the incident.
A passenger said the driver suddenly became sick and stopped the bus on the roadside. As soon as the vehicle stopped, he fainted. He was rushed to a hospital by local people where doctors pronounced him dead. The locals and the passengers praised the driver's bravery and presence of mind. After the incident, a local driver took the bus to Panchalingeswar Temple.
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