Trichy (Tamil Nadu): The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Saturday Feb 10 launched raids at multiple locations in connection with the probe into the car blast in Coimbatore in 2022, sources said. It is learnt that the NIA sleuths are carrying out raids at at least 20 locations in eight districts across Tamil Nadu. Sources said that the NIA sleuths assisted by CISF personnel raided the house of one Ashraf Ali in Kooni Bazaar area of Beema Nagar in Trichy.
Ashraf Ali runs an electrical shop at EP Road, Trichy. Sources said that his relative was abroad and other relatives visited him there often. Similar raids are going on at other places across Tamil Nadu in connection with the probe into the car blast case. The car blast had taken place on Oct 23, 2022 in front of 'Arulmigu Kottai Sangameshwarar Thirukovil', an ancient temple located at Eswaran Kovil Street of Ukkadam in Coimbatore.
In the suicide attack, the suicide bomber identified as Jameesha Mubeen had died after detonating the car borne Imrovised Explosive Device. Investigators said that apart from the suicide bomber, two others accused identified as Tahanaseer and Mohammad Thoufeeq were also involved in the attack. The case initially registered by the police at the Ukkadam Police Station in Coimbatore was later handed over to the National Investigation Agency given the gravity of the case.
In the subsequent investigation into the case, the NIA has arrested at least 15 people in the case. Sources in the NIA said that the suicide bomber Jameesha Mubeen was largely inspired by the ISIS ideology and had taken 'Bayath', a pledge to recognise Abu-Al-Hasan Al Hashmi Al Qureshi, a self-proclaimed Caliphate of the ISIS at the time.