Kolar (Karnataka): In a shocking incident, a man died by suicide after killing his newly wedded wife, a few hours after marriage in Karnataka's Kolar on Thursday. The incident took place in Chambarasanahalli village of the district on Wednesday evening, the police said.
The deceased have been identified as Naveen, a native of Chambarasanahalli, and Likhitshree, a resident of Bayanapalli village in Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh. The couple tied the knot in the presence of their families on Wednesday morning. Officials said that initially, the families were against the marriage, but later the couple convinced them.
The police said that the couple soon after the marriage had a fight over a petty issue and Naveen attacked his wife Likhitshree with a machete as a result she died on the spot while the groom tried to die by suicide by injuring himself. The family members immediately rushed him to Victoria Hospital in Bengaluru where he died while undergoing treatment on Thursday, the police said.
“Naveen was admitted to Kolar district hospital immediately after the incident. Later, he was referred to Victoria Hospital in Bengaluru for further treatment. However, he died on Thursday morning during the treatment there,'' Kolar Superintendent of Police Shantaraju said.
A case has been registered at the Andersonpet police station and an investigation is underway.
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