New Delhi : During a public meeting recently, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi made a statement questioning Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s OBC (other backward classes) status. Raising this issue in a clarification here, the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) said that the Modh Ghanchi caste is in Mandal List at 91 (a) and a notification for inclusion of this Modh Ghanchi caste in the State List of OBC was issued by the Gujarat Government on 25th July 1994.
The National Commission for Backward Classes further said that it tendered advice to Union Government on 15.11.1997 for inclusion of the Modh-Ghanchi caste in the Central List of OBCs for the State of Gujarat and a Gazette Notification for the same was subsequently issued on 27.10.1999. As per the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993, the advice of the National Commission for Backward Classes for inclusion of any caste/community in the Central List of OBCs was ordinarily binding on the Union Government, the NCBC statement said.
"There are 104 castes/communities in the Central List of OBCs for the State of Gujarat including Modh Ghanchi caste. It may be noted that when both of above decisions for inclusion of the Modh Ghanchi caste in the State List of OBCs as well as in the Central List of OBCs were taken, Shri Narendra Modi held no legislative or executive position," the NCBC clarified.
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