Kharagpur (West Bengal): The body of a student was found on the hostel premises of IIT-Kharagpur on Monday morning. Sarojini Naidu and Indira Gandhi Hall students first saw the student's body and informed the IIT authorities immediately. Later, on receiving the information, the police reached the spot and shifted the body to the Kharagpur Sub-district Hospital for post-mortem.
The deceased was identified as Devika Pillai, a resident of the North Eoor area of Kerala. She was a third-year student of Biotechnology and Biochemistry Engineering.
According to police sources, the student went home on a vacation a few days ago. This incident happened soon after she returned from home. The police are probing whether it is suicide or there is some mystery behind the death.
Incidentally, on October 14, 2022, the body of a third-year student Faizan Ahmed was found at IIT Kharagpur. However, the family complained that Faizan was 'murdered' and it was not a natural death. Strengthening their allegations, a court-appointed forensic expert said on Saturday that IIT Kharagpur student from Assam Faizan Ahmed, whose decomposed body was found in a hostel room two years ago, might have been hit by an object and shot at.
An examination of footage of the body revealed that there was a sign of a wound under the ear, said forensic expert Dr AK Gupta, who submitted his findings to the Calcutta High Court and to the Special Investigation Team (SIT), which was probing into the death of the student in 2022.
His post-mortem was conducted twice in a row. The theory of murder came to the fore in the second autopsy report. It is learnt that the student was hit with a heavy object. Faizan died due to profuse bleeding. Soon after Faizan's death, the unnatural death of a Kerala student at IIT-Kharagpur triggered a row.
Read more: Not Suicide But Murder? IIT Kharagpur Student Who Died 2 years Ago May Have Been Shot At