Bengaluru: Objecting strongly to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for making public its action to attach properties worth Rs 300 crore in connection with the MUDA case, in which Chief Minister Siddarmaiah is one of the accused, the Karnataka Congress on Wednesday urged the anti-money laundering agency to reveal the names of the owners of properties it has attached.
Speaking to reporters in Mysuru, KPCC general secretary M Laxman alleged that ED has been working as an extended arm of BJP and RSS. "What was the necessity for ED to release a document about the attachment of properties when the case is being heard in the court? The CM and his wife have already returned the 14 sites allotted to them by the MUDA. Still, ED has mentioned Siddaramaiah's name in the press release with an ill-intention," he said.
Laxman urged ED to release the list of 168 sites it has attached. Of these 168 sites, 97 belonged to the leaders of BJP and JDS, he claimed.
He also accused the agency of being partial in its conduct in the case. "When we file a complaint against Snehamayi Krishna (complainant in the MUDA case), ED never files an FIR. But when Krishna files a complaint even through email, ED files an FIR immediately. This is how ED functions. We have complained to the President of India in this regard," he added.
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