Mumbai: MP Sanjay Raut has strongly criticised the BJP over the Maharashtra Assembly election results, claiming that they were "imposed" by the party. Raut stated that such results are not a reflection of the people's mandate, but rather the result of manipulation by Adani and his associates. He accused the BJP of taking control of the electoral system, declaring that the vote does not represent the people of Maharashtra.
Raut further emphasised that the results are untrustworthy, pointing to the recent issuance of a warrant against Adani and the BJP's alleged involvement. He also stated that BJP leaders Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Devendra Fadnavis and Eknath Shinde are all part of a larger conspiracy to divert attention from these issues. According to Raut, the Assembly results were engineered to divert public focus away from the ongoing controversy surrounding Adani.
Read more: Maharashtra Election Results 2024: Maha Win For Mahayuti As BJP Alone Crosses 100-Seat Mark