Canning: The detective department of Kolkata Police in a joint operation with the Jammu and Kashmir Police nabbed Javed Munshi, a member of a Kashmir-based terrorist outfit Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen, from Canning where he was hiding in a relative's house.
Sources in the police said Munshi, a resident of Srinagar's Tanpura, was hiding at a relative's place in the South 24 Paraganas district. A tip-off led the district police and Kolkata Police to arrest him on Saturday night. Munshi will be produced in the Alipore Court for transit remand soon, police said.
Munshi, who claimed to have visited the residence of a relative in the Canning town for personal reasons, had been allegedly involved in subversive activities in the valley and was wanted by the Jammu and Kashmir Police for a long time, the source said.
The 'Tehreek e Mujahideen' is controlled by Pakistan having contacts with other militant outfits in the valley, Pakistan and Bangladesh, a police officer said.
The relatives of Munshi said though he is a resident of Srinagar, they were not aware of his links with any terror outfit and if the charges are found to be true law should take its own course.
The arrest followed the recent arrests of eight suspected members of the terrorist outfit Ansar-al-Islam Bangladesh, who were planning to target the 'Chicken’s Neck' connecting West Bengal's Siliguri with the northeastern states. Two of the eight arrested were from Murshidabad and part of a group of eight people apprehended by Bengal, Kerala and Assam police.
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