New Delhi: Against the backdrop of a stampede at the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, a has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking direction to all states to work collectively for the safe and secure visit of devotees at Maha Kumbh.
At least 30 people died and over 60 were injured in the stampede in the Sangam area of Maha Kumbh on the morning of January 29. The plea, which has been filed by advocate Vishal Tiwari has made all the state government respondents in the matter.
The plea sought directions to all states to work collectively for the safe and secure visit of devotees at Maha Kumbh. “All states shall establish in a proper manner their facilitation centres at Prayagraj the Maha Kumbh. These centres shall provide and display the basic information regarding the safety measures and guidelines to the persons coming from their states”, said the plea.
The plea also sought a direction for arrangements to be made for announcements, display boards showing directions, roads etc in other languages so that people of different languages and cultures may not face problems and can get help easily in any kind of emergency situation.
“All state governments with coordination of Uttar Pradesh government shall also deploy its small medical team at Prayagraj Maha Kumbh comprising of doctors and nurses so that at the time of medical emergency there may not be a shortage of medical staff”, said the plea.
The petitioner also sought direction from the Uttar Pradesh government to submit a status report on the Maha Kumbh 2025 stampede incident and also to initiate legal action against the persons, authorities and officials for their negligent conduct.