New Delhi: Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, political parties have set up Social Media ‘War Rooms’ for building candidates' image as well as to take on their rivals in a bid to woo the voters. Shedding a light about the social media War Rooms, Rajesh Garg, chairman of Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee, Social Media wing, said, “We have already set up a Social Media War Room for Lok Sabha elections. Congress workers are working round-the-clock here.”
Speaking about social media content, which sometimes takes ugly turn after posting a message, Garg said, “A team of 30-35 persons, including legal experts carefully post the messages. Our team before posting any message gets clearance from legal experts to avoid any violation of the model code of conduct (MCC).”
Notably, social media has emerged as a powerful medium to build or malign anyone’s image in a click. From political parties to followers are using social media platforms for publicity as well as attacking opposition leaders. In the Lok Sabha poll campaign, the political parties no matter whether they are national or state level use social media platforms extensively to reach out among voters to woo them to tilt in their favour.
Providing details regarding Social Media War Room, Rohit Upadhyay BJP Delhi unit, Social Media In-Charge, said, "This time, we have adopted new concept that our teams are going to ground zero to present real picture through our social media." "Our social media teams of state, district and block levels are active on ground. They go to the spot and click real images, shoot videos for developments and take people's reaction and then they post all these materials on various platforms," Upadhyay pointed out.
Two types of campaign, positive for its party and exposing opposition, are being run by the BJP. The party workers, volunteers and influencers are engaged in the social media campaigns teams, Upadhyay said. While the ruling party uses these platforms for highlighting their achievements and combating fake news, the opposition parties handle these mediums for alleged exposing of the incumbent government’s work through contents, videos and images.
Recently, an objectionable post on actor and BJP Lok Sabha candidate Kangana Ranaut sparked a row. In another incident, a post on BJP candidate Rekha Patra from West Bengal created controversy. The political parties, Rajiv Kumar, Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission of India, during the announcement of general elections, urged in poetic ways to combat fake news and conscious use of social media platforms.
It has also embarked on an innovative journey to engage citizens through unique campaigns like ‘Turing 18’ and You are the One’ on social media platforms, to counter fake news and misinformation online ‘Verify Before You Amplify’ these efforts serve as a testament to the ECI’s dedication for an inclusive and participative elections, the Election Commission said.
Read more: LS Polls: EC Uses Social Media To Nudge Electors To Vote