New Delhi: Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday accused the government of using public sector banks, the "lifelines of the masses", as an unlimited source of funds for their "fraudulent friends".
Gandhi met a delegation from the All India Banking Officers Confederation. "The Modi government has turned these lifelines of the masses into private financiers for only the rich and powerful corporations," he said in a post on X.
After meeting the members, he expressed distress at the state of public sector banks and its impact on common people. "Public Sector Banks are being forced to prioritise profit over people and are thus unable to serve the public effectively. With staff shortages and a toxic work environment, they are expected to reach unachievable targets without a level playing field," Gandhi said after hearing the members of the confederation.
He alleged women employees are not given equal opportunities or advancement avenues and are forced to bear the brunt of the dissatisfied public. "The Modi government must stop using PSBs as an unlimited source of funds for their fraudulent friends. There's also more to a public sector bank than a dividend cheque to the government at the end of the year," the leader of the opposition said.