Bengaluru (Karnataka) : The Karnataka High Court has directed the Kodagu District Collector to consider the plea of a famous shooter who participated in national and state-level shooting competitions to possess four weapons and 25,000 rounds of ammunition. The order was passed by a bench headed by Justice M Nagaprasanna, who heard a petition filed by Sajan Ayyappa, a resident of Kolkeri village in Napoklu, Kodagu district.
"Also, the applicant is an aspiring shooter who can own 2 firearms with 30,000 rounds of ammunition. A renowned shooter can own 10 guns and 1 lakh rounds of ammunition. Also, any renowned shooter is eligible to own 10 firearms as per exemption clause (2) of Arms Act relating to possession of arms. That is, eight weapons for athletes and 2 weapons for the general public under sub-section (2) of Section 3 of the Act," the bench said in its order. The bench said that, therefore the petitioner can have four more weapons and it quashed the notice issued by the Collector.
Background of the case?: On September 21, 2020, the petitioner Ayyappa submitted a request to the District Collector for obtaining arms and ammunition. On December 28, 2022, the District Collector issued a notice saying, "You (the applicant) have not disclosed the qualifications. Therefore, you should explain to the District Collector within the next 15 days."
The petitioner, who questioned this in the High Court, said, "As I am a famous shooter, I have participated in several national and state-level competitions. Therefore, I am allowed to have 10 guns. Also, I already have three weapons and requested to have an additional weapon as a fourth one. However, the authorities are making excuses without any reason. Also, they have issued a notice to prove if am I a famous shooter," he explained to the bench.
Counsel for the government explained to the bench, "As per the provisions of the Arms Act, the petitioner can have only two weapons. However, the petitioner has pleaded for additional weapons. This is not tenable."