Ballari: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has announced Rs 5 lakh ex gratia for the families of five women, who died due to complications following childbirth at Ballari Medical College and Research Centre (BMCRC). These deaths, reported over the past month, have sparked serious concerns about the quality of healthcare and medical supplies in the state.
The announcement was made during the Jana Kalyana Samavesha (Public Welfare Convention) held in Sandur, where the Chief Minister addressed the tragic incidents. Initially, a compensation of Rs 2 lakh had been announced, but the CM increased the amount after demands from the victims' families.
“It is a deeply concerning situation. Five women lost their lives due to what appears to be the use of substandard medicines. While we cannot undo the loss, we have decided to provide Rs 5 lakh to their families,” Siddaramaiah stated.
The deaths have been linked to the administration of substandard Ringer’s lactate solution, which is used to restore hydration and fluid balance in patients. In response, the government has ordered the suspension of Karnataka Drug Controller Umesh S and initiated legal proceedings against a West Bengal-based pharmaceutical company accused of supplying substandard' ringer’s lactate solution. The Chief Minister emphasised the government’s commitment to ensuring accountability. "We will not tolerate negligence in matters of public health. Strict action will be taken against those responsible," he added.
The announcement was part of a broader event to thank Sandur voters for electing Congress candidate Annapoorna Tukaram in the recent assembly by-elections. The CM also took the opportunity to reiterate his government's commitment to implementing welfare programs without discrimination and ensuring public safety.
Furthermore, “This incident is a wake-up call for stricter quality control in medical supplies across the state,” Health Department Official. "The loss is irreplaceable, but we hope this compensation brings some solace to the affected families," said local MLA Annapoorna Tukaram.