New Delhi: Justice Manmohan on Sunday took oath as the chief justice of the Delhi High Court. Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena administered the oath to the 61-year-old judge at a ceremony at the Raj Niwas, the LG's secretariat.
The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, including Delhi Chief Minister Atishi. After the elevation of then Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma to the Supreme Court, Justice Manmohan was appointed as the Acting Chief Justice of the high court here on November 9, 2023.
Justice Manmohan is the son of the late Jagmohan, a famous bureaucrat-turned-politician who also served as the governor of Jammu and Kashmir and the lieutenant governor of Delhi.
On July 11, the apex court collegium recommended that Justice Manmohan, who will retire on December 16, be appointed the chief justice of the Delhi High Court. The Central government cleared the proposal on September 21.
Justice Manmohan, who was then a senior advocate, was appointed as an additional judge of Delhi High Court on March 13, 2008. He was appointed as a permanent judge on December 17, 2009. Justice Manmohan enrolled as an advocate in 1987 after he completed the law course at Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi.