Seraikela : Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren took part in the meeting of the Grand Alliance for the Lok Sabha election 2024 at a private hotel in Adityapur in Jharkhand on Sunday evening. During this time, a small accident occurred in which the flower-bedecked archway fell on CM Champai Soren who has suffered minor injuries as a result of that.
The incident took place when the chief minister was coming out of the hotel banquet hall after the meeting concluded at Adityapur in Seraikela area. As soon as the Chief Minister entered the middle of the doorway, the decorated arch fitted with flowers fell on his head. The accompanying security staff immediately became alert, avoiding serious injuries to the CM.
However, it was found that the chief minister has suffered minor injuries. The arch of flowers fell because someone tried to open the doors from outside while it had to be done from inside. The chief minister was having security cover at that time. However, the security lapse occurred as the archway fell on the chief minister's head, sources said.
After this incident, the chief minister was immediately taken to the hotel room, where he was given first aid by the medical team. It was later revealed that the archway outside the banquet hall of the hotel was decorated with foam flowers and leaves. Because of this, the chief minister did not suffer serious head injuries. However, this incident sparked an atmosphere of chaos there for some time.
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