Jaipur: The Income Tax Department on Thursday conducted raids at 23 locations in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan linked to a transport company based in the latter state. The raids were carried out in connection with suspected illegal activities related to goods transportation and tax evasion.
An official said that the coordinated operation began in the wee hours on Thursday and targeted key premises in Udaipur, Banswara, and Jaipur. A total of 16 locations were raided in Udaipur, 3 in Banswara, and 1 in Jaipur in Rajasthan. Moreover, raids were carried out at two places in Gujarat and one place in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
The raids, according to sources, focused on Golden Transport & Logistic, a prominent Udaipur-based transport company, suspected of engaging in illegal transport of goods without proper documentation.
Income Tax Evasion Suspected
The large-scale raids were launched following reliable inputs received by the Income Tax Investigation wing that the company has been involved in large-scale tax evasion. According to officials, several important documents were seized during the raids and are expected to expose unreported income and tax evasion.
Sources reveal that officials, during raids, seized crucial financial documents, including income and expenditure records, which are now under scrutiny. Authorities are also examining the company’s bank lockers to trace undisclosed assets and funds linked to the illegal operations.
Monitoring and raids
Sources revealed that after receiving multiple reports of illegal goods transportation, the Income Tax Department had been monitoring the transport company for some time. The company allegedly transported goods across state borders without paying the required taxes.
Stir In Business Community
The raids by The Income Tax Department have sent shockwaves through the business community in the region.
The Income Tax Department is continuing its investigation and more details are expected to emerge in the coming days. The department has indicated strict action against the transport company if evidence of large-scale tax evasion is confirmed.
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