Guna: Ahead of Diwali, a massive explosion rocked the Guna district of Madhya Pradesh after a firecracker shop in the Marki Mau marketplace of the Sirsi area went up in flames on Saturday night.
The intensity of the explosion gutted 30 shops, six bikes and two tractors parked in the vicinity. It took a lot of effort by the firefighters to bring the inferno under control. Fortunately, no casualties have been reported.
Chaos prevailed in the market after spotting of flames and could of black smoke. Police accompanied by firefighters rushed to the spot and after a long effort were able to douse the inferno.
Shopkeepers stare at Rs 1-crore loss in the fire-induced damage. The cause of the inflammation is yet to be ascertained and rigorous effort is being made to unearth it.
Guna collector Satendra Singh said a team from the administration was dispatched to the spot for inspection and gathering evidence. It was also being looked into whether the charred shops were running without a license and if found true necessary action would be taken.
With Diwali, the festival of lights in the offing, markets are bustling with the last-minute rush and the explosion has watered down the festive mood.
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